Posted on April 27, 2016


And the Sea Opened!

The last days of Passover will be celebrated from thursday night till saturday night emphasizing the miracle of the splitting of the sea and the faith for the future redemption in the coming of Moshiach. We read the Torah portion that describes the dramatic moments of the people facing the sea, led by Moses, pursued by the Egyptians and singing the songs of praise when they saw the miracle. It’s not just recalling the miracle of 3328 years ago. There is a relevant message for our time, as explained by the mystical books. The Egypt is a mental, psychological and spiritual state meaning limits and barriers . The exodus from Egypt represents therefore the ability to free ourselves from our limitations, break barriers and overcome obstacles. The height of this inner process of overcoming slavery and reaching freedom is represented in opening of the sea. The sea, according to Kabbalah, is a veil that covers the presence of G-d and the true essence of human being. So the opening of the sea means the ability of human beings to reveal and discover the hidden G-d, and bring out the deep-rooted spiritual riches within the humans. The opening of the sea is the opening of new horizons. It is the rediscovery of the inner identity.

Many times in our lives we face a “sea” full of problems of all kinds surrounding us from all sides, with no escape. We do not have time for family, for ourselves and for what really matters. The obstacles seem to be insurmountable and our forces are exhausted. But it is in these moments that we remember that this “sea” is only a veil, an occultation, which in fact seeks to bring about the revelation of the divine presence and of our inner selves.

We must turn the sea into dry land, revealing the best we have. Unfortunately , the result of day to day problems ( a great sea), do not allow the appreciation of our inner treasure. What G-d desires from us is that we have enough faith and courage to believe in our potential and devote ourselves to reveal it in our daily lives.

A short story can illustrate this more clearly.

Two Russian peasants, Yuri and Ivan talked. Yuri turns to Ivan and says:
“I do not want to pay taxes to the Czar.”
“Why?” Asked Ivan.
“You know where the rubles are produced? In the very palace of Tsar! Why did he npt get all the rubles he wants and let our rubles in peace!” He replied indignantly.
“Oh, you do not understand the things, Yuri. The czar did not simply want to have the rubles, he wants YOUR rubles.”

Although G-d is the source of goodness, He does not just want goodness. He wants goodness that comes from each of us. That goodness that only YOU can give. G-d wants us to see through the waters of our souls and liberate our inner essence completely. Every year we experience this miracle, making visible our inner wealth applied in practice everyday. This is our ruble, which will approach the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days.

Shabbat Shalom and Pessach Kosher ve Sameach

Original text: “E O MAR SE ABRIU” by Rabbi Gabriel Aboutboul
Version into English by Rachel Klinger Azulay



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